n scale
model railroads of michigan
detroit, toledo & ironton
The Detroit, Toledo & Ironton was the owner of the Ann Arbor Railroad from 1905-1908, then again from 1963-1976, the latter time being when the companies shared a comparable orange and black billboard paint scheme. This was also when the Annie's GP35 fleet was purchased, and the "We Have the Connections" slogan adorned the cabs. The Ann Arbor of my youth was heavily influenced by DT&I design and management.
The DT&I interchanged with the Ann Arbor in Diann, MI, south of Milan, and if you follow the DT&I track (now GTW/CN) to the northeast, you will still find remnants of concrete catenary arches that once held wires to power Henry Ford's "electric railway" - also a part of DT&I history.
Under DT&I ownership, motive power was exchanged freely with the AA, with DT&I GP38s and GP7s/9s coming over to work on the Ann Arbor, and Annie GP35s dispatched to Ohio delivering Yuma sand all the way to Ford plants in Cleveland.
It felt like my Ann Arbor empire would not be complete without a nice sampling of DT&I equipment, so I custom painted a couple of GP35s and made two ex-Wabash style cabooses to go along with some off-the-shelf DT&I rolling stock.

DT&I caboose, Micro-Trains body,scratch-built cupola